"For me, tantra primarily means a conscious touch associated with being here and now. It is an opportunity to reconnect with yourself on a physical and emotional level. Feel yourself, your breath, experience
in body. Treat yourself to tenderness, caresses and touches that will warm your heart and soul. It's an opportunity to relax in the flow and kind of forget about the rest of the world. It's a journey.
I mainly put intuition and joy into my massages, which leads me to what the client needs. You can look forward to my kind and gentle care."
- Reiki 1. , Zuzana Soukupová (2012)
- Requalification massage certificate EduSpa (2014)
- Feet Thai massage (2016)
- Alfa frequency in relaxation massages (2016)
- Tantra massage, Individual training - Kamila Hroudová, Kateřina Švanderlíková (2017)
- Access Bars (2018)
- Bach flower essences, Katarina Michel (2018)
- Psychology. School of Psychology (2021)
- Tantra massage for women - Kateřina Švanderlíková (2022)
Katie speaks: English
Katie provides: tantra for women, tantra for men